My son is not a typical 14 year old boy. In my opinion, he’s a million times better and I wouldn’t rather have him any other way.I think
You Are The Average Of These Five People
The world-renowned motivational speaker Jim Rohn is often credited with saying... "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with." Meaning if the
The Little Thing That Makes A Big Difference
Winston Churchill was once quoted as saying... "Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference." - Winston Churchill I love that quote because it is so
Preventing Autism with Dr. Green
Dr. John Green says preventing Autism IS possible! Learn more about how to prevent Autism Spectrum Disorders and have a healthy, happy baby with Dr. Green. Ooops! It
Autism Recovery with Krista Vance
In this video, Krista Vance shares some emotional details about her son's Autism recovery journey. As a fellow Autism mom myself, it's hard to hold back the tears.
Dr. Green Discusses Caring for Children with Autism
Here our amazing doctor, Dr. John Green, discusses his approach to caring for children with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Although, it could be argued that this is the approach
Dr. Temple Grandin on Autism Recovery
This is a video sharing the views of Dr. Temple Grandin on Autism Recovery. But the main disconnect I see with this video here is that she is
Can My Child Still Recover From Autism?
Here Dr. Jonathan Tarbox, PhD, BCBA-D, who is also the Program Director of the Master of Science in Applied Behavior Analysis program at the University of Southern California,
The GAPS Diet with Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride
Here is a wonderful explanation of The GAPS Diet (Gut and Psychology Syndrome) by the creator Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride herself! Enjoy!Shannon Penrod: We are so thrilled and so
Can Individuals with Autism Recover?
Here is a short video by Lisa Ackerman, the founder of TACA, with an inspiring message. Lisa Ackerman is the founder of TACA which stands for the Autism