The More I Researched The Success Stories Of
Gut Healing The More I Realized That Millions Of People Are Suffering, Not Just Autistic Kids!
The National Institute Of Health says...
"About 60 to 70 million Americans are affected by digestive diseases". (source)
That's roughly 1 in 5 people!
The CDC themselves admit that 1 in 44 kids the age of 8 are diagnosed with Autism and that's a stat from 2018, so it's very likely even worse today. (source)
In Northern Ireland, it's reported that 4.5% of students between the age of 4 - 15 have been diagnosed with Autism. (source)
And if you believe MIT Scientist Stephanie Seneff, PH.D, a published biologist with more than 170 peer-reviewed academic articles, she believes that 50% of all children will have Autism by 2025.
Pardon my French but...
What The Hell Is Going On?
Sadly, most people don't have a clue. Even the so-called professionals seem to be lost.
But it's not like there isn't ample evidence to see what's going on if you're willing to look.
The evidence is everywhere! The fact of the matter is...
We're Poisoning Our Kids More & More Every Day In Numerous Ways! 
And it's not going to stop anytime soon unless you take personal responsibility to educate yourself and your loved ones.
Unfortunately, this is something that you have to do for yourself because no one is coming to save you or do all the necessary work for you.
And if you're looking for answers from mainstream medical establishments, you're bound to come across a lot of dead ends. Why?
Because to fix the problem, you'd have to shut down multi billion dollar corporations that continually poison the public for profit.
I'm talking about the same companies that make huge campaign contributions to politicians that allow them to stay in business.
Just recently Monsanto (aka Bayer) was forced to pay $12 million dollars in additional fines after they admitted guilt to 30 environmental crimes related to the use of illegal pesticides in Hawai'i. (source)
Sadly, that's just the tip of the iceberg.
They are routinely fined hundreds of millions of dollars for poisoning people but they just chock it up as a cost of doing business.
I mean heck, what's $50 million here, and $100 million there when you're making billions of dollars in record profits each year?
There's no incentive for them to stop when unknowing consumers keep buying their stuff.
So, What Can We Do To Help Our Kids?
That's a great question and finding the answer is what I've dedicated the last 10 years of my life to solving.
A good starting point is to listen to this doctor from a Harvard Medical School publication...
"The best way to protect yourself from leaky gut it to invest more in your overall digestive health. Your gastrointestinal system is complex, but caring for it doesn't have to be."
Dr. Alessio Fasano - Director For Celiac Research & Treatment - Source = Harvard Medical School
However, the problem is there isn't a lot of information or agreeing in the medical community about how to care for your digestive health.
Many doctors are clueless in this arena and their medical training doesn't even address the issue.
In fact, David Eisenberg the associate professor of nutrition at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health says...
"Today, most medical schools in the United States teach less than 25 hours of nutrition over four years. The fact that less than 20 percent of medical schools have a single required course in nutrition, it’s a scandal. It’s outrageous. It’s obscene." (Source)
The Good News Is That Not All Doctors Are Clueless About
Gut Health. You Just Have To Find The Right Ones!
And that's exactly what I've dedicated my life to over the last 10 years.
Not only did I spend all my time and money to work with this specialized doctor in Oregon, but I also spent years researching and implementing the works of Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride.
Dr. Natasha holds a degree in Medicine and Postgraduate degrees in both Neurology and Human Nutrition.
In her clinic in Cambridge, she specialized in nutrition for children and adults with behavioral and learning disabilities, and adults with digestive and immune system disorders. (Source)
Dr. Natasha is most famously known for creating a book on the natural treatments for Autism, ADHD, Depression, & more called GAPS.
GAPS is an acronym for Gut and Psychology Syndrome.
Not only did I spend years devouring and testing the principles in this book, but I'm also became a certified GAPS coach myself.
The gut healing principles found in Dr. Natasha's GAPS book is by far my number one tool in treating Dominic's severe Autism. It's worked wonders for us and dozens of my clients. (Click here for dozens of testimonials)
The problem is...
Most doctors & medical professionals don't have a single clue about GAPS or these revolutionary treatments.
Many are using outdated models that can actually perpetuate the problem or make it worse.
And because of this...
Millions Of Our Precious & Innocent Kids Will
Take ADHD & Autism Drugs They Don't Even Need!
Now listen...
This isn't some crackpot conspiracy stuff collected by a mommy blogger who does all of her medical research on Google.
If you look closely on this page, you'll notice that I cite all my sources and link to reputable government agencies to back up every single claim.
I'm not interested in sensationalized content that fails to actually help people.
I am interested in REAL RESULTS and case studies of parents who've had success with these little known treatments.
I just want you to know the facts and to know that you have options.