How A Simple Lifestyle Change 
Rescued My Beautiful Autistic Child 

Dominic + Lyndsy

Dear Parents, 

If you've been looking for ways to help your child thrive on the autism spectrum then this will be the most important letter you'll ever read. 

Here's why...

After years and years of pain staking research and trial and error, I finally came across something that helped me reverse around 95% of my child's autistic symptoms. 

That was NO typo. He has dramatically changed and everyone around us is shocked. 

But here's the sad & honest truth...

Had I listened to the so called "Autism Experts" and conventional doctors, my son would probably still be hitting himself 100 times a day.

Struggling to sleep. Still afraid of sounds. Irritated by textures. Eating only chicken. And unable to talk to anyone.

You see, one doctor told me that he had something called "apraxia" and that he would remain that way for the rest of his life.

Apraxia is difficulty with skilled movements even when a person has the ability and desire to do them.

Picture trying to say...

"I need your help"...

But no matter how hard you try, nothing comes out. 

Imagining a life where my son could never talk to me was like a constant dagger to my heart. 💔😢

Another doctor wanted me to put him on questionable and risky drugs.

And yet another barely even knew what autism was.

I felt utterly helpless with no signs of relief in sight. 

Modern medicine had simply failed us.  

But Then... I Stumbled Across A Different
Kind Of Autism Doctor In Oregon City!

For once in my life, there was a glimmer of hope that maybe something could help Dominic. 

And low and behold, after working with this specialized and licensed doctor, he turned me onto the GAPS Diet.

Almost instantly after implementing this life saving diet, my son...

  • Started talking with meaningful language. Hearing the words "I love you" was something I dreamed of his entire life. My heart melted with joy. 
  • Began to sleep 8 to 9 hours every night with no interruptions. It's like someone dosed him with sleeping pills or something.  I was over-the-moon excited and finally got to sleep myself. 
  • Completely stopped hitting and self-injuring himself. This used to cause me so much pain seeing my precious boy hurting himself. Thankfully, it's a thing of the past.
  • Is open to eating anything I put on his plate. Even the things most kids hate eating like beef liver and whatever vegetables I choose.  
  • Almost never yells or cries. We can go months at a time without him yelling or crying. He's now the calmest kid I've ever seen. 
  • Will wear any clothes and no longer has sensitivity to any fabrics or sensory issues.
  •  Instantly potty trained himself and has never had a single accident in the last 9 years. Not even once. 

If you're an autism parent like me, these things may seem like a dream come true, and honestly, they are. 

However, it wasn't always like this. In fact, far from it.  

A typical day for us used to seem like a living nightmare.

There were many days when I wanted to give up.

I often believed there was no hope for us.

And sometimes, I genuinely wondered if we'd all be better off dead? 

I know that may sound extreme and cruel, but unless you've ever seen your child violently bang his head against the wood floor and scream at the top of his lungs all day, you might not understand. 

This is why I'm so incredibly thankful for what I've learned over the last 10 years and that I can share it with you!

What I'm About To Share With You Works So Incredibly Well It's Almost Criminal Doctors & Therapists Don't Recommend GAPS More Often!

Heal Thy Gut  & Heal Thy Brain!

When a person's gut is in bad shape, it often disrupts the brain in very adverse ways. There's a lot of confusion on this topic but even The National Library Of Medicine states...

"The gut microbiota is believed to play a pivotal role in human health and disease through involvement in physiological homoeostasis, immunological development, glutathione metabolism, amino acid metabolism, etc., which in a reasonable way to explain the role of gut-brain axis in autism." - source

The More I Researched The Success Stories Of Gut Healing The More I Realized That Millions Of People Are Suffering, Not Just Autistic Kids!

The National Institute Of Health says...

"About 60 to 70 million Americans are affected by digestive diseases". (source)

That's roughly 1 in 5 people!

The CDC themselves admit that 1 in 44 kids the age of 8 are diagnosed with Autism and that's a stat from 2018, so it's very likely even worse today. (source)

In Northern Ireland, it's reported that 4.5% of students between the age of 4 - 15 have been diagnosed with Autism. (source)

And if you believe MIT Scientist Stephanie Seneff, PH.D, a published biologist with more than 170 peer-reviewed academic articles, she believes that 50% of all children will have Autism by 2025. 

Pardon my French but...

What The Hell Is Going On?

Sadly, most people don't have a clue. Even the so-called professionals seem to be lost.

But it's not like there isn't ample evidence to see what's going on if you're willing to look.

The evidence is everywhere! The fact of the matter is...

We're Poisoning Our Kids More & More Every Day In Numerous Ways! ?

And it's not going to stop anytime soon unless you take personal responsibility to educate yourself and your loved ones.

Unfortunately, this is something that you have to do for yourself because no one is coming to save you or do all the necessary work for you. 

And if you're looking for answers from mainstream medical establishments, you're bound to come across a lot of dead ends. Why? 

Because to fix the problem, you'd have to shut down multi billion dollar corporations that continually poison the public for profit.

I'm talking about the same companies that make huge campaign contributions to politicians that allow them to stay in business. 

Just recently Monsanto (aka Bayer) was forced to pay $12 million dollars in additional fines after they admitted guilt to 30 environmental crimes related to the use of illegal pesticides in Hawai'i. (source)

Sadly, that's just the tip of the iceberg.

They are routinely fined hundreds of millions of dollars for poisoning people but they just chock it up as a cost of doing business.

I mean heck, what's $50 million here,  and $100 million there when you're making billions of dollars in record profits each year?

There's no incentive for them to stop when unknowing consumers keep buying their stuff. 

So, What Can We Do To Help Our Kids?

That's a great question and finding the answer is what I've dedicated the last 10 years of my life to solving.

A good starting point is to listen to this doctor from a Harvard Medical School publication...

"The best way to protect yourself from leaky gut it to invest more in your overall digestive health. Your gastrointestinal system is complex, but caring for it doesn't have to be."

Dr. Alessio Fasano - Director For Celiac Research & Treatment - Source = Harvard Medical School 

However, the problem is there isn't a lot of  information or agreeing in the medical community about how to care for your digestive health.

Many doctors are clueless in this arena and their medical training doesn't even address the issue. 

In fact, David Eisenberg the associate professor of nutrition at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health says...

"Today, most medical schools in the United States teach less than 25 hours of nutrition over four years. The fact that less than 20 percent of medical schools have a single required course in nutrition, it’s a scandal. It’s outrageous. It’s obscene." (Source)

The Good News Is That Not All Doctors Are Clueless About
Gut Health. You Just Have To Find The Right Ones!

And that's exactly what I've dedicated my life to over the last 10 years.

Not only did I spend all my time and money to work with this specialized doctor in Oregon, but I also spent years researching and implementing the works of Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride. 

Dr. Natasha holds a degree in Medicine and Postgraduate degrees in both Neurology and Human Nutrition.  

In her clinic in Cambridge, she specialized in nutrition for children and adults with behavioral and learning disabilities, and adults with digestive and immune system disorders. (Source)

Dr. Natasha is most famously known for creating a book on the natural treatments for Autism, ADHD, Depression, & more called GAPS. 

GAPS is an acronym for Gut and Psychology Syndrome. 

Not only did I spend years devouring and testing the principles in this book, but I'm also became a certified GAPS coach myself. 

The gut healing principles found in Dr. Natasha's GAPS book is by far my number one tool in treating Dominic's severe Autism. It's worked wonders for us and dozens of my clients. (Click here for dozens of testimonials)

The problem is...

Most doctors & medical professionals don't have a single clue about GAPS or these revolutionary treatments.

Many are using outdated models that can actually perpetuate the problem or make it worse. 

And because of this...

Millions Of Our Precious & Innocent Kids Will
Take ADHD & Autism Drugs They Don't Even Need!

Now listen...

This isn't some crackpot conspiracy stuff collected by a mommy blogger who does all of her medical research on Google. 

If you look closely on this page, you'll notice that I cite all my sources and link to reputable government agencies to back up every single claim. 

I'm not interested in sensationalized content that fails to actually help people.  

I am interested in REAL RESULTS and case studies of parents who've had success with these little known treatments. 

I just want you to know the facts and to know that you have options.

And that is why I spent the last 10 years creating SpectrumABLE!

SpectrumABLE is a private learning membership for Moms and Dads who want to help their children on the Autism spectrum. 

SpectrumABLE can help you to...

  1. 1
    Take positive, powerful control of your child's health & well being. Many of these treatments are hard to find if you rely on just Google. 
  2. 2
    Erase or significantly diminish the visible & invisible signs of Autism such as stimming, echolalia, nonverbal struggles, self harm, picky eating, eye contact & more.
  3. 3
    Treat your child's unique issues without taking toxic drugs and forcing them into abusive therapy.  
Spectrumable Protocol Macbook

You're About To Get All The Experience & Answers That Took Me 10 Years & Mountains Of Debt To Acquire In Just A Few Short Weeks!

One of the sad realities when it comes to Autism treatments are the crippling cost that families have to endure. 

Our family has easily spent well over $100,000.

In fact, I'm afraid to even add up the true number because I know it's a lot more than that and I understand that many families simply can't afford that kind of cost or financial burden.

According to the National Library Of Medicine, the median family cost of ASD was estimated to be around $25,000 a year with much of that being due to loss of income from employment. (Source)

Therapies like ABA or Applied Behavioral Analysis can cost a family upwards of $60,000 per year. (Source)

And don't even get me started on the additional costs of all the organic food, supplements, and other expensive treatments we've tried. 

The good news is, I've tested so many different things that I can help save you from having to waste a bunch of money.

Plus, we have a lot of information on how to reduce costs on the treatments you do decide to implement.

I'll share more on that in a minute, but first, I want you to know...

It Is Possible For Your Child To Thrive & Achieve
In Miraculous Ways WhenYou Start NOW!

I say NOW in capital letters because time is of the essence.

The sooner you begin this journey, the more likely you are to see those dramatic effects. 

The older a child gets, the more the synaptic connections become hard wired in the brain and at this point it can be very difficult to change. Not impossible, but more difficult. 

Therefore, I always encourage people to get started as quickly as possible.

The best time to start was yesterday, but since yesterday has passed, I strongly encourage you not to delay another day.

Whether your child is 2 years old, or 15 years old, the best time to start is right NOW to give them the best chance possible!

Just Imagine The Milestones & Progress Your Child Can Experience In 30 to 60 Days From Now!

While I can't give you a specific time table on when you and your child will see positive results, it's crucial that you do believe they are coming. 

This is why I always instruct people to imagine the best case scenario and to always keep your thoughts positive.

Every little bit counts. Every win and every milestone is a building block to the next big achievement. 

And it is my goal to help you and your child stack up as many wins as fast as possible.

Some wins may be small at first, but like a snowball rolling downhill, gathering speed and momentum, they become bigger and bigger and bigger as we go.

Then, one day you'll look back and thank yourself for starting when you did.

Why You Should Consider Working With Me...

At this point, you may be wondering who I am and how am I qualified to help you with your child. 

While I'm not a medically trained doctor, I actually think that's a good thing for a variety of reasons.

So, let me tell you a little bit about myself.

Then I'll let some other parents who've worked with me tell you about their experiences.

About Lyndsy Moffatt

Creator of SpectrumABLE

First and foremost, I'm a loving Mom, probably just like you. 

Secondly, I'm a research fanatic. I've spent thousands of hours scouring through medical journals, government studies, and just about every alternative therapy you can imagine. 

But most importantly, I'm a certified GAPS Coach and an autism Mom who's been working in the trenches for years with parents just like you.

What I'm most proud of is the real world time and experience working with my son and the hundreds of clients and customers I've been able to help over the years.

What People And Past Customers Are Saying About Lyndsy & The SpectrumABLE Protocol

Le'Cetra Arrington

Her speech therapist came over yesterday and was blown away.

I have seen improvement in her speech. Her therapist came over yesterday and was blown away... She sung Twinkle Twinkle Little Star... She said all her alphabet and their sounds! Thank you so much for all your help! She's doing so well.

Lebogang Chioma

I have seen so many changes. My son is now potty trained, and trying to say words. Not constipated anymore....

I just want to say thank you for your help, I have seen so many changes. My son is now potty trained, and trying to say words. Not constipated anymore.... that was a nightmare for him.
He loves to hug us now and loves attention. He is doing so well. Yesterday I gave him a drink and he said " thank you" he hardly speaks in full sentences. Thank you so much Lyndsy. I really appreciate your help and support. You are a God sent for me and my son.

Allison Steed

It has helped my family so much.

It has helped my family so much. Aside from sugar withdrawals, everyone is inspired by already feeling so much more clear. I feel more present with my daughter (Rumi) and I have more stable energy and focus. Everyone is grateful that I’m doing this course and am taking the time to feed them such healthy meals. That makes me the most happy. My daughter seems overall happier. She has been crying less. Even though she doesn’t have autism I feel like we are connecting more. I’m feeling so happy about doing this and have been wanting to do this diet for a couple years now. I feel like it is going really well. I’m glad my family has been supportive. I also feel like I’ve energetically changed and feel lighter, happier and more present.

Nadine Llyod

I have seen a cloud lift from my 5 year old son. He's now able to talk!

I purchased The Gut Healing Guide course 6 months ago and I have seen a cloud lift from my 5 year old son.

I have learned more about healthy living since coming across this course than I could have imagined and my son's growth over the past six months is a miracle due to the knowledge you shared with me! Your time and hard work on building these courses is such a gift and I'm grateful to be on this journey! Thank you!

We started the Gut Healing Guide course with my 5-year-old son 9 months ago. When we started, he wasn't talking, only inconsistent approximations, outbursts, etc. We had an IEP meeting with his preschool teacher yesterday and she shared that he no longer needs his PECS book because he's now able to talk! I'm so thankful for Lyndsy's teaching, the healing diet, and hope for the future. Keep going, everyone!

Ockham Wood

It's a game changer.

We are so excited we had our first positive toilet training experience in 9 years. Gavin went to the bathroom for the first time ever, then calmly turned and flushed as if he had been doing it for years. It's a game changer. Just taking those extra few steps eliminating a few more things and adding more positive things has made a real difference. Thank you.

Now Gavin is using ma and da regularly and appropriately to get our attention. And I can't tell you how excited he gets when he sees us respond, you can tell it's something he's really proud of, it is heart melting. And when I was tucking him into bed last night I said "I love you" and he responded with "I lu you" it was so close to "I love you" it was music to my ears. 

Ambra Brant

This was the best thing I ever did for my boy. Behavior is sooooo much better. He makes eye contact now! No more hitting others or rocking back and forth when upset.

This was the best thing I ever did for my boy. I feel like it was about 2 weeks for regular normal bowel movements. He’s been regular ever sense.

Just want to give a shout out to Lyndsy I took her course last year to help my son. Today I have been reflecting on how much change has occurred since cleaning up my boys diet. He has gone from needing tutoring to the advanced reading group at school, uses the bathroom regularly with no needed laxatives (a huge win)!! Behavior is sooooo much better. He makes eye contact now! No more hitting others or rocking back and forth when upset. He is now able to communicate much clearer about his feelings! I am so thankful & grateful!!❤️

He was diagnosed ASD he is high functioning. Our goals were working on digestion and behavior this program helped with both.

You'll Also Get These FREE Bonuses 
When You Join SpectrumABLE Today...

BONUS #1 The Gut Healing Guide - FREE $497 Value

Gut Healing Guide

Here's What You'll Get In Your FREE Gut Healing Guide Bonus...

  • Day by day meal plans & recipes totally done for you. 
  • Pre-made shopping lists with everything you'll need.
  • Precise instructions on how to safely move through each stage to ensure better healing opportunities. 
  • The complete allowed and non-allowed list to keep you on track. You may want to print this out and put on your fridge. 
  • Access to past recordings & classes
  • Motivational recovery stories that will help you stay inspired on your own journey.

BONUS #2 The Real Food Challenge - FREE $197 Value

Real Food Challenge

Here's What You'll Get In Your FREE Real Food Challenge Bonus...

  • 30 days of step by step challenges that will teach you everything you'll ever want to know about cooking with real food. 
  • Bulk cooking techniques that will save you time and money.
  • How to read ingredients. Food manufactures are constantly trying to trick you.
  • Guides on how and where to shop. Be careful of fake health food stores. 
  • Sugar substitutes that actually taste way better than processed sugar that contribute to diabetes and more.
  • The type of digestive enzymes you should consider using for better digestion. 
  • How to simply & easily make non dairy milks that your kids will love to drink.
  • How to prepare nuts and seeds the right way. If you're eating nuts and seeds without doing this, you may be doing more harm than good.

You'll Also Get Each Of These 4 FREE Bonuses...

Law Of Attraction Masterclass

Plus, You'll Get The LIVE & Recorded Monthly SpectrumABLE Coaching Calls On Zoom

Spectrumable Protocol Macbook

Here's Everything You're About To Get For Your Child Today...

  • The Full SpectrumABLE Protocol - $997 Value
  • Zoom Coaching Calls & Support Group - $1200 Value
  • The Gut Healing Guide - $497 Value
  • The Real Food Challenge - $197 Value
  • The Law Of Attraction For Autism Masterclass - $197 Value
  • The GMO & Pesticide Solution - $47 Value
  • The Ultimate Supplement Guide - $47 Value
  • The 7 Day Juice Cleanse - $27 Value

That's A Total Retail Value Of $3,209 But I'm Not Going To Charge You Even A Fraction Of That When You Get Started Right Now

I know how hard it can be with the cost of everything rising in today's world.

Especially considering most autism treatments and protocols can cost tens of thousands of dollars a year.  

However, I don't want price to be what stops you from moving forward and getting the help you and your child need and deserve today.

And that's why I'm not going to charge you $3,209. In fact, I'm not even going to charge you half of that.

In fact, I'm going to let you try it out for just $7 today...

Sign Up For SpectrumABLE 

Take a full 30 days to see if the program is right for you and your family. Just click the button below to begin right now...

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Secure Payment

A Few More Testimonials to Prove it Works for Real People

I have been working with Lyndsy now for the past couple of weeks. Lyndsy amazes me with her intelligence and hard work and I have learnt so much from her. I feel positive energy has so much to do with healing and Lyndsy's whole personality is positive and beautiful. 

I have a 6 year old on the spectrum and in these few weeks what changes I have seen in him are nothing less a miracle MA.

It was the best experience ever in this journey to heal my son. I've seen more changes in my son than by any other treatment. Thank you Lord for introducing me to Lyndsy.


Dr. JC

Gastroenterologist & Hepatologist MD

We are not where we would like to be yet but I have seen a big difference. He also told me he loved me for the first time ever in his life. I can't tell you how happy this made me, this happened after 3 weeks.  It was like he was thanking me. I really loved the course and I'm so happy I jumped in.

My son was experiencing some extreme behavior issues most likely because of his high functioning ASD. Since incorporating a lot of the techniques and diet his behavior has improved. We are not where we would like to be yet but I have seen a big difference. He also told me he loved me for the first time ever in his life. I can't tell you how happy this made me, this happened after 3 weeks.  It was like he was thanking me. I really loved the course and I'm so happy I jumped in. One last thing... my daughter does not have ASD but she has been eating much better too and her pre teen blemishes have almost disappeared! I will say my skin is so much healthier!! I think it's the squash soup that has become a staple in my diet. Thank you so much Lyndsy!!!!!

Carrieann Youngman

We are seeing improvements every day.

The course has helped me stay on track with Stage 1 GAPS for my son. Lyndsy has supported me when I was struggling and made it possible for us to get through that first tough week. I refer to the information on the app every day and it saves me having to google everything or feel worried that I am failing or doing things wrong. My son is now making eye contact, eating independently with a spoon and trying new foods. He is interested in the world around him and seems to have developed a sense of self, now realizing when he is cold, or needs personal care needs met. We are seeing improvements every day.

Mia Francis and Ethan

NHS Trust

Since doing your Gut Healing Guide program, my daughter has started asking meaningful questions, and reading, and writing.

Since doing your Gut Healing Guide program, my daughter has started asking meaningful questions, and reading, and writing. She now can read two letter words or 3 letter words, we just started teaching her to read, she’s 10. She was just saying a few words before we started with you but those few words didn’t make any sense. But now if she is looking for something she is coming to me and asking “where is my book” or “where is my ball” and then I tell her and she goes and gets it.

Dona Turtogton

I have been noticing improvements in him daily. He is now repeating what ever I say!

I'm so happy to share the improvements my toddler is making! I have been noticing improvements in him daily. He is now repeating what ever I say! All thanks to God for introducing me to Lyndsy. I've done coaching with Lyndsy and I would really recommend you to work with her too.

Afsha Khanam

It was one of my best decisions I made in my life.

The course was awesome. You made it easier for me. My son started to feel better, his understanding has increased a lot, he's more aware and vocalizing more. It was one of my best decisions I made in my life.


Helen Rezene

100% Risk Free Guarantee

I’m not asking you to decide yes or no today… I’m asking you to make a fully informed decision, that's all. The only way you can make a fully informed decision is on the inside, not the outside.

So once you get on the inside you'll get to see that everything I say on this page is true and of genuine valuable to you. Then, if it is, that’s when you decide to keep it. If you don't find it valuable for you, no hard feelings, I'll give you all your money back. 

This way you can make the best possible decision about the program. But you can’t make this decision right now for the same reason you don’t buy a house without first looking at the inside of it. And know this… whether it’s 29 minutes or 29 days from now… if you aren’t happy, I’m not happy.

For any reason whatsoever, if you want your money back you'll get it because I only want to keep your money if and when you’re happy and getting the same positive results we did.

All you have to do is email me within 30 days at [email protected] and let me know it's not for you. 


Time is of the essence when it comes to beginning this journey for your autistic child. 

I don't mean to apply any extra pressure but I also don't want you to delay any longer than necessary. 

One of my only regrets when it comes to implementing these treatments is how long I waited.

If I could turn back the clock, I would have dove head first into this protocol the very day Dominic was diagnosed with Autism.

I pray that you recognize the importance of getting started today and I can't wait to take this journey with you.


Lyndsy Moffatt

Sign Up For SpectrumABLE 

100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Secure Payment

P.S. Remember, your purchase today is backed up with a 30-day no questions asked money back guarantee. 

Try the course on me. If you're not 100% satisfied, I'll return every penny. 

You and your child are so worth it and I dearly want to see you and your child get the results you deserve.

Copyright 2024 - SpectrumABLE
